
Pack price (GBP): £101.66 Ex-works
Pack size: 250

Breakpoint swabs (45mm from Tip)
TS/19-H250  Hygiene Swab. Blue Polystyrene Shaft with Breakpoint (45mm), Viscose tip in Tube


Hygiene Swab. Blue Polystyrene Shaft with Breakpoint at 45mm, viscose tip, in Tube.

Recommended For:
Useful in food environments due to colour. However, can be used in most other environments

Ideal For:
General sampling especially useful for all organisms. Includes convenient breakpoint for whole swab analysis.

Shelf Life: 2 years.

Sterilisation Method:
Gamma Irradiation to achive a SAL of 10-6


Code Name Colour Length Quantity Pack size No. in case Shelf life
TS/19-H250 Breakpoint swabs
(at 45mm from Tip)
n/a n/a 1 250 n/a 2 years