
Pack price (GBP): £112.82 Ex-works
Pack size: 40

Water Sampling Container - 500ml Sterile Container + 90mg (180mg/litre) of Sodium Thiosulphate for chlorine removal


500ml Sterile Container + 90mg (180mg/litre) of Sodium Thiosulphate for chlorine removal. Please Note: Batch & expiry details are stated on the side of the label.

Recommended For: neutralising >50mg/L Chlorine per litre of water

Ideal For: water sampling of cooling towers

Known Limitations: Chlorine level must be assessed before sampling to ensure neutralisation

Shelf Life: 2 years

Sterilisation Method: Gamma Irradiation to achieve a SAL of 10-6

Code Name Colour Length Quantity Pack size No. in case Shelf life
TS/15-DA40 Water Sampling n/a n/a 1 40 n/a 12 months