
Pack price (GBP): £124.21 Ex-works
Pack size: 1000

Sterile Spreaders - Spreaders (L Shaped), clear & firm, 25 Per Bag.


Description: Spreaders (Hockey Stick Shaped), 25 Per Bag.

Recommended for: quick throughput of samples in high volume situations

Ideal For: surface spreading of samples

Known Limitations: Sterility is only guaranteed whilst bag is sealed. Once opened, any unused items should be discarded 

Shelf Life: 3 years.

Sterilisation Method: Gamma Irradiation to achieve a SAL of 10-6

Code Name Colour Length Quantity Pack size No. in case Shelf life
TS/30-C Sterile Spreaders n/a n/a 1 1000 n/a 3 years